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Not sure how it will look on your wall? Ask our Art Concierge!

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This wall art piece deploys similar metaphor as in the other Nacho Santos Gugel’s work “Skiing in Miami”, merging conflicting concepts, in this case Madrid, an inland city, and surfing on the open sea.

This artwork is perfect for those who do not want to be bound by norms and notions of what is acceptable – an ideal piece for a modern space.



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Nacho Santos Gugel | Madrid

“Since I began painting in my childhood, I have concluded from experience that figurative painting is fundamentally incapable of generating expression, for this reason I develop a deliberately artificial figuration. When crossing to the abstraction my work looks for the disturbing thing, the alive thing and fresh, because it forces us to face our beliefs in the stable meanings and the comfort of the rules “.

Studied in Art and Design in London, Paris, Florance and Madrid. Nacho based his early works on the style of Picasso and the German Expressionists, but transformed from an Art Brut to the most recent Abstract Expressionism.

His works are collected by Banco Santander, ONO, Siemens, CITO Foundation, F. Núñez del Cubillo, Joaquín Sabina, Carla Pereyra and Diego Simeone, among others.